

The MAAC Lab is often looking for conscientious students interested in research to volunteer in the lab. We ask our volunteers to commit to contribute between three to four hours per week to the lab. Volunteers often go on to do directed research projects, or honours theses in the lab.  Currently, at this time we have all the volunteers we need.  However please check back in the fall of 2025.

For more information, or to apply, contact Thomas, one of our lab managers.


Dr. Sherry Stewart is the Atlantic Node principal investigator for the Canadian Initiative for Substance Misuse (CRISM- https://crism-atl.ca/), a nationwide network comprising clinicians, people with lived and living experience, researchers, allied health workers, knowledge users, and policymakers. Its primary objective is to conduct clinical and community-based translational research aimed at discovering, enhancing, and expanding psychosocial, environmental, and biopharmaceutical approaches to prevention and intervention practices for individuals living with substance use (SU) problems. Hosted at Dalhousie University, the CRISM Atl. Node is looking for volunteers interested in the broader research pipeline: from protocol development to knowledge translation. If you have a passion for highlighting knowledge and science communications, we ask all interested volunteers to read the document below, and provide a short statement, (i.e., 2-3 lines, or a paragraph) about the reason for your interest in volunteering with CRISM as well as your unofficial transcript(s) and current CV/resume. This information or any questions about volunteering with CRISM can be forwarded to Jennifer, the CRISM Atl. Node manager: jennifer.crism@gmail.com.